Check out products in the market!

I’ve started making some silly tiktoks for products in the shop. Not sure if this is how you sell stuff, but click the World Market tab above to find this and many more great products. Also, follow us from our social links to get first access to these videos. Hope you enjoy!

So you want to be a hacker? Meet John Hammond

It’s no secret that the internet can be a dangerous place. Every day, countless cyberattacks are launched against individuals, businesses, and governments. In the face of such threats, there is a growing demand for skilled hackers who can help defend against these attacks. But how does one become a hacker? What tools and resources are […]

Israel Regardie’s Twelve Steps to Spiritual Enlightmenent (Free Audiobook)

Israel Regardie was an influential writer and occultist who is best known for his contributions to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an esoteric society that flourished in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Regardie was a student of the famed magician Aleister Crowley, and his work reflects a deep engagement with both […]

Duovox Ultra: Military-Grade Night Vision Monocular Cool new night vision monocular up on kickstarter. They’ve already exceeded their fundraising goal and should begin production soon. You can order yours here

Senseworld Industries Total Yoga Intermediate Yoga Set

Here is our total practice to be done once or twice a day. Short Prayer Kapalbhati Breathing 5 Minutes Pranayama of choice 5 Minutes Butterfly with Breath of Fire Yoga Stomach Grind Yoga Washing Machine Seated Forward Bend Reverse Table Top Pose with Breath of Fire Knee-to-chest sequence with hip flexor stretches Yoga Kundalini Stretch […]

Chicken Qabalah Read By Lon Milo DuQuette

This book has been on my wishlist for a while and I stumbled across these videos in r/occult on reddit. I am familiar with Lon as he is a luminary in the O.T.O. with whom I have taken initiation, as well as reading his book on the Thoth tarot, which is quite good though I […]

The Antidote to Religion

Most of us are locked into a tunnel reality created by our upbringing and designed by the originators of our native religions. Do you want to break free? Choose “Bob” as your short-duration personal savior and never fall into the trap of straight thinking again. You can watch the full movie on Tubi for free […]

13 Death

As we take up the Tarot Trumps again with Death, we see that Crowley has yet another divergent view of its meaning, although playing with traditional symbolism enough to make the card intelligible for divination. For the traditional meanings, we can turn to Wikipedia although it is heavily invested in the Waite interpretation. “According to […]

Psychic Vampires and Protecting Your Lifeforce

In the course of occult spiritual development, eventually, you will encounter true energy vampires. From Wikipedia: A psychic vampire (or energy vampire) is a creature in folklore said to feed off the “life force” of other living creatures. The term can also be used to describe a person who gets increased energy around other people […]