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Senseworldcafe Yoga

- December 16, 2022

Namaste! Welcome to Senseworldcafe's Yoga page! Here you will find everything you need for a yoga practice based on attainment through various techniques such as pranayama, asana, meditation, bakhti, karma yoga, and tantra. snswrld is a certified gentle yoga and meditation instructor as well as an initiated mystic, and will be curating this page to help seekers on their path of mystical development. Please check back often for new resources and courses as this page will be continually updated.

First let me introduce my primary yoga teacher Anmol Mehta. He runs the Mastery of Meditation site which has tons of resources for the aspiring yogi, many of which are free of charge. You may have seen me post some of his videos, like this one:

Anmol was trained as a Kundalini Yogi by Ravi Singh who learned from Yogi Bhajan so not a bad pedigree for the transfer of knowledge, but he has also made his own contributions to the practice of meditation and yoga. You will see me link to resources Anmol has developed often. In addition I will be posting links to classic yoga texts, interesting articles, purchase links for yoga and meditation equipment, new content, and possibly live classes and workshops.

Senseworldcafe yoga is not necessarily tied to one single tradition, as snswrld was a mystic and occultist before beginning a regular yoga practice. Given the amount of wisdom available from the countless sources of many beliefs and traditions, we will incorporate what works for us at the time, while checking our current interpretation against our two foundation stones, the system of the Seven Primary Chakras and the Occult version of the Hebrew Tree of Life. The following diagram is the rod by which we grade our work:

This is the Microcosm in the Macrocosm. A map of self and of self-development. Yoga means Union, and this is how we can achieve Union with God while we remain in the flesh. For those Atheists and Agnostics who have trouble with talk of God or Gods, or those religious individuals that have problems with Gods of other traditions worry not. We approach God inwardly, and the results so far produced are not concrete evidence of any God. Merely the statement, that by certain practices one can have the experience of God is enough for us. In the words of Aleister Crowley "Our Method is Science, Our Aim is Religion." So join us scientist-yogi and learn for yourself the experience that religions are founded upon. To get us started here is a post with a preliminary practice that you should follow daily for at least 9 weeks. Note that for our practice, until we get to various Kriyas we will start with an optional short prayer, do pranayama or breathing exercises, then a physical routine, then seated meditation. Altogether this constitutes a complete practice.

Some notes and cautions: 1. You should not begin a serious yoga practice unless you are healthy enough to do so. Consult your Dr if you think you have a health concern that would prevent your practice. 2. Listen to your body and your mind. You are your best teacher and you always have your inner guru to guide you. If a stretch is too painful, or you are straining in a breathing practice, back off and breathe normally or modify the practice to your abilities. That said, starting seated meditation is going to be surprisingly difficult at first and feel like a strain, so pushing yourself a little is recommended while always keeping your own safety in mind. 3. Enjoy the process. Your practice is going to be better some days and worse others, some days it will feel like a chore which will tempt you to rush through. Over time you will come to find, if you put in the effort, it becomes a gift. Perhaps the greatest gift it is possible to give oneself. You will reach various attainments along the way, but don't be impatient, and try to get as much joy as you can out of the journey.

If you are interested in starting a serious practice here is some gear and apparel to help you on your journey. Note: Senseworldcafe may earn an affiliate bonus for purchases.

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