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Israel Regardie’s Twelve Steps to Spiritual Enlightmenent (Free Audiobook)

- April 27, 2023

Israel Regardie was an influential writer and occultist who is best known for his contributions to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an esoteric society that flourished in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Regardie was a student of the famed magician Aleister Crowley, and his work reflects a deep engagement with both psychoanalysis and the occult.

One of Regardie's most famous works is "Twelve Steps to Spiritual Enlightenment," an audiobook that has recently been made available for free on YouTube. The work is read by a computer-generated voice, which adds an interesting layer to an already complex and thought-provoking work.

The title of the audiobook might suggest that it is some kind of programmatic approach to spiritual awakening, but the reality is more nuanced than that. Regardie's work draws heavily from psychoanalytic theory and the principles of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and he presents a path to spiritual enlightenment that is both deeply personal and universal in its application.

The twelve steps that Regardie outlines are not intended to be followed in a strict or dogmatic way, but rather as a series of guiding principles that can help the seeker to access deeper levels of consciousness and transcend the limitations of the ego. The path that Regardie lays out is both analytical and mystical, drawing on a wide range of wisdom traditions to create a holistic approach to spiritual growth.

While the use of a computer-generated voice to read out the audiobook may seem jarring at first, it ultimately adds an interesting layer to the work. It forces the listener to engage with the content on a purely intellectual level, without being swayed by the emotion or inflection of a human voice. It also serves as a reminder that wisdom can be transmitted through any medium, even ones that we might least expect.

One key takeaway for me, was the addition of Liber Resh to the daily spiritual practice. As a less than observant Thelemite, I vaguely knew this was recommended, but did not realize how core it was to the practice. Needless to say, I have added it to my own daily routine with the help of an app called Helios(beware there's more than one app of that name), which gives the actual times of the Sun's quarters and the texts that go along with each adoration.

All in all a good free audiobook, but for the practicing occultist, it might seem a little light on practical occultism. If you are looking to the occult for a program of spiritual development however, this would be a good place to start.

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