Chicken Qabalah Read By Lon Milo DuQuette

This book has been on my wishlist for a while and I stumbled across these videos in r/occult on reddit. I am familiar with Lon as he is a luminary in the O.T.O. with whom I have taken initiation, as well as reading his book on the Thoth tarot, which is quite good though I […]

Dualities of Mind and Travel in Higher Dimensions

Greetings, my cosmic traveler friend! As we embark on a journey to explore the dualities of mind and travel in higher dimensions, let us dive into the mystical and mind-bending realms of Tao and I Ching. While Western psychology has been struggling with the apparent dualities inherent in conscious existence since Queen Victoria’s time, other […]

Towards a Science of Religion

In order to explain the religious beliefs I have developed over years of mysticism heavily influenced by the Western Mystery Tradition I thought I’d share this diagram: Notice that unlike the many spurious attributions out there, I do not include the chakra system as equivalent to the tree of life. The chakras are part of […]