Senseworld Industries Total Yoga Intermediate Yoga Set

Here is our total practice to be done once or twice a day. Short Prayer Kapalbhati Breathing 5 Minutes Pranayama of choice 5 Minutes Butterfly with Breath of Fire Yoga Stomach Grind Yoga Washing Machine Seated Forward Bend Reverse Table Top Pose with Breath of Fire Knee-to-chest sequence with hip flexor stretches Yoga Kundalini Stretch […]

Guided Meditation Om Mani Padme Hum

A friend needed a guided meditation video to help her focus and not fall asleep so I thought, why not make use of that neglected youtube handle and post a video. So here it is in all its AI enhanced glory. Enjoy.

Complete Gentle Yoga and Meditation Practice

If you are ready to commit an hour or two each day to a yoga practice, here is what I recommend. First set aside any space you can for daily practice. Make it beautiful and tidy. If you need to, de-clutter the space. Get a cushion or meditation bench, something to raise the hips up […]

Morning Yoga Routine + Bonus Workout

Your humble editor recently got sober and decided it was well past time to get back to a regular yoga practice. In order to re-establish the habit, I decided to do my teacher training over again from start to finish. I am currently in week four and feeling major benefits. Given the success of my […]

0. The Fool

Why should you potentially waste your time with Tarot? The normal course of a tarot reading involves randomly shuffling the symbols and cannot possibly have bearing on the subject asked about. Yes and yes. Part of the thesis of the way tarot works is that higher entities govern its movements. Despite the inherent illogicality of […]