8. Adjustment or Justice

While most decks consider this card to be called Justice with its associated blind goddess weighing guilt and innocence and implying legal action and the courts, the Crowley deck takes a more Karmic view and associates the card with a different type of balance. In the scales of this goddess are Alpha and Omega, creation […]

6. The Lovers

The Lovers is interesting, because as a glyph it references the original vision/hoax responsible for almost all modern occult traditions. It is an artistic representation of The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkruetz, one of the three original Rosicrucian manifestos. See previous article on Rosicrucianism. It is one of the alchemical cards, but much more highly […]

2. The High Priestess

The symbol of the High Priestess is one of the most silent and inscrutable cards in the deck, but we may be able to discern a little about her by her position on the tree of life. She has the path from Tiphareth to Kether. This is one of the most significant paths as it […]

0. The Fool

Why should you potentially waste your time with Tarot? The normal course of a tarot reading involves randomly shuffling the symbols and cannot possibly have bearing on the subject asked about. Yes and yes. Part of the thesis of the way tarot works is that higher entities govern its movements. Despite the inherent illogicality of […]

Indiscretions on the Path

Did you know that the Academy of Plato survived 2000 years beyond his death and beyond the materialism of Aristotle, and their focus was a mystical interpretation of the Master’s work? By all means dive into Iamblichus, Plotinus, and Porphyry for a full elucidation of Neoplatonism, but if you’d like to get a taste of […]

Plato’s Cave

Like many School of Life videos, the above is a great introduction to the story and background to what is known as the “Allegory” of Plato’s cave. I appreciate their effort, and love their work, but like most philosophy students steeped in western thinking they hear and see and mouth the words but pull back […]

A Hiccup on The Tree of Life

When you start disassembling reality everything is a walk in the park. I’ve had some really rough times figuring out the riddles posed by paths on the tree, but nothing has prepared me for the encounter with this guy. The Devil, card 15. Usually ignorance is bliss and a little purification is enough to pass, […]