So you want to be a hacker? Meet John Hammond

It’s no secret that the internet can be a dangerous place. Every day, countless cyberattacks are launched against individuals, businesses, and governments. In the face of such threats, there is a growing demand for skilled hackers who can help defend against these attacks. But how does one become a hacker? What tools and resources are […]

Hacking Dumberly

Fun talk by Tim Medin of Red Siege Security on trying the dumb hacks first before going all advanced zero day. Good advice, and remember if it’s stupid but it works, it might not be stupid.

The Bug Hunter’s Methodology V4

Since I am participating in Bugcrowd’s October Challenge Month I thought I would present to you the ever awesome @jhaddix’s bug hunter methodology talk from this year’s DefCon Red Team Villiage. He’s been giving and revising this talk for many years and this is an awesome version. As I work on my own project fro […]

Nmap Cheatsheet

Here’s a great nmap cheat sheet from Nathan House of StationX. I’ve taken some of his courses and found them to be a huge value in the cost to knowledge gained ratio. He’s also very helpful when you run into snags. f you really want to dive into nmap for hacking check out the NSE […]

Hacker Toy

Ohh man, must have this little hacker toy currently on kickstarter. All the wireless protocols gamified with a cute dolphin avatar. This is both toy and tool. Everything from IR emulation to RFID badge cloning. Yes guys. inspired by the pwnagotchi

Defcon SafeMode Playlist

Well I missed DEF CON yet again, but the videos are up and I’m going to spend my weekend attending virtual talks. Here’s the virtual playlists, but I really wish I’d done some of the interactive content. Maybe next year.

Simple Windows Privesc Admin to System

This will be short and sweet and I only post it because it’s hard to find via google but should be base knowledge for any hacker. SysInternals is your friend. If it’s on the box or you can drop it there it gives pretty complete control at a very granular level. Even if you drop […]

Some thoughts on LFI

Going over some really interesting stuff today on file includes and ran a couple neat exploits on php running on a windows 10 box. LFI/RFI is deadly. Sooo many ways to pop a shell if the url includes ?file= My favorite of the day was using a php wrapper to pass a command to the […]

Kioptrix Level 1 easy root

I’m taking The Cyber Mentor’s Practical Ethical Hacking Course on Udemy and during the scanning and enumeration chapter, we started scanning Kioptrix Level 1. I’ve played around with Kioptrix before and was already prepared to root the machine in a quick two-step, even though that’s not part of the section. To do this root, you’ll […]

sqlmap full scan plus tamper scripts to evade WAF

Just a small note related to sqlmap culled from working on a CTF style challenge. Not all the tamper scripts in jhaddix’s helpful attack string are still working. Current working command: sqlmap -u –level=5 –risk=3 -a –text-only –technique=BU –tamper=apostrophemask,apostrophenullencode,appendnullbyte,base64encode,between,bluecoat,chardoubleencode,charencode,charunicodeencode,concat2concatws,equaltolike,greatest,halfversionedmorekeywords,ifnull2ifisnull,modsecurityversioned,modsecurityzeroversioned,multiplespaces,percentage,randomcase,randomcomments,space2comment,space2dash,space2hash,space2morehash,space2mssqlblank,space2mssqlhash,space2mysqlblank,space2mysqldash,space2plus,space2randomblank,sp_password,unionalltounion,unmagicquotes,versionedkeywords,versionedmorekeywords –random-agent