The Relative Universe: An Existential Perspective

The universe, in all its vast complexity, is governed by a surprisingly small set of rules. None of these laws has any component of morality but are rather 26(currently, there are more that need to be found) fundamental constants that can’t be measured except as statements of relation to one another.  What does this mean […]

Guided Meditation with Hypnotic Induction and Binaural Beats

Hey there, fellow mind-mappers and reality hackers! Ever dipped your toes into the Monroe Institute’s Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience? Yeah, it’s pretty amazing, but here’s the thing – what if we cranked up the binaural beat game a notch? ?? I’ve brewed up a trippy video that’s your ticket to the twilight zones of consciousness. Imagine […]

A Stranger, a Pickup Truck and One Crazy Dream

Over the years I’ve had the same crazy dream. It always starts out with me being dropped off by some male stranger, in a beat up pick-up truck, on a very overcast, and cloudy day. I think it’s fall based on the fact that we’re both dressed in jackets and jeans.  I walk through a […]

Skrying in the Spirit Vision. Guided Meditation for the 32nd Path

Astral travel, conversing with higher beings, and climbing the Tree of Life have been much on my mind recently, so I thought I’d make a guided meditation video to help get people started. If you enjoy this please like, follow, and subscribe on all platforms or buy us a coffee at Or buy something […]

A Mind Unraveling: Ronald Reagan Antichrist and the War in Heaven

In the annals of human history, tales of war have always captivated our collective imagination. From the epic battles fought on earthly landscapes to the cosmic struggles that transcend our limited perception, the concept of conflict has long fascinated and perplexed us. But what if I were to tell you that a war of unimaginable […]

Check out products in the market!

I’ve started making some silly tiktoks for products in the shop. Not sure if this is how you sell stuff, but click the World Market tab above to find this and many more great products. Also, follow us from our social links to get first access to these videos. Hope you enjoy!

The Antidote to Religion

Most of us are locked into a tunnel reality created by our upbringing and designed by the originators of our native religions. Do you want to break free? Choose “Bob” as your short-duration personal savior and never fall into the trap of straight thinking again. You can watch the full movie on Tubi for free […]

Psychic Vampires and Protecting Your Lifeforce

In the course of occult spiritual development, eventually, you will encounter true energy vampires. From Wikipedia: A psychic vampire (or energy vampire) is a creature in folklore said to feed off the “life force” of other living creatures. The term can also be used to describe a person who gets increased energy around other people […]

Why so Serial?

It’s been getting a little deep around here, so here’s a little Troma perspective on Yoga.

Dualities of Mind and Travel in Higher Dimensions

Greetings, my cosmic traveler friend! As we embark on a journey to explore the dualities of mind and travel in higher dimensions, let us dive into the mystical and mind-bending realms of Tao and I Ching. While Western psychology has been struggling with the apparent dualities inherent in conscious existence since Queen Victoria’s time, other […]