My Journey Through Misdiagnosis: A Tale of Resilience and Healing

Introduction Life is a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. For me, this journey began with a misdiagnosis at the age of 19. I was told I had psychosis, a diagnosis that would shape the next 27 years of my life. The Misdiagnosis Despite an extreme history of trauma and daily alcohol consumption, state […]

Guided Meditation with Hypnotic Induction and Binaural Beats

Hey there, fellow mind-mappers and reality hackers! Ever dipped your toes into the Monroe Institute’s Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience? Yeah, it’s pretty amazing, but here’s the thing – what if we cranked up the binaural beat game a notch? ?? I’ve brewed up a trippy video that’s your ticket to the twilight zones of consciousness. Imagine […]

Senseworld Industries Total Yoga Intermediate Yoga Set

Here is our total practice to be done once or twice a day. Short Prayer Kapalbhati Breathing 5 Minutes Pranayama of choice 5 Minutes Butterfly with Breath of Fire Yoga Stomach Grind Yoga Washing Machine Seated Forward Bend Reverse Table Top Pose with Breath of Fire Knee-to-chest sequence with hip flexor stretches Yoga Kundalini Stretch […]

The Antidote to Religion

Most of us are locked into a tunnel reality created by our upbringing and designed by the originators of our native religions. Do you want to break free? Choose “Bob” as your short-duration personal savior and never fall into the trap of straight thinking again. You can watch the full movie on Tubi for free […]

Psychic Vampires and Protecting Your Lifeforce

In the course of occult spiritual development, eventually, you will encounter true energy vampires. From Wikipedia: A psychic vampire (or energy vampire) is a creature in folklore said to feed off the “life force” of other living creatures. The term can also be used to describe a person who gets increased energy around other people […]

Dualities of Mind and Travel in Higher Dimensions

Greetings, my cosmic traveler friend! As we embark on a journey to explore the dualities of mind and travel in higher dimensions, let us dive into the mystical and mind-bending realms of Tao and I Ching. While Western psychology has been struggling with the apparent dualities inherent in conscious existence since Queen Victoria’s time, other […]

Kundalini Activation Syndrome and How to Cope

As we’ve given a technique to trigger Kundalini in our discussion of the Tarot card The Hanged Man, this would be an excellent time to discuss what’s known as Kundalini Activation Syndrome as the easy trigger of withholding ejaculation means that many Westerners can invoke an experience for which they are totally unprepared. Many, who […]

We kill our shamans

One of the problems I encounter living as a mystic in the western world, is there is no respect for individuals living in altered states of consciousness. Whether drug induced, pursued through meditation or ecstatic practice, or the product of full-blown psychosis. The individual in an altered state is uniformly shunned, feared, beaten, incarcerated, or […]

Towards a Science of Religion

In order to explain the religious beliefs I have developed over years of mysticism heavily influenced by the Western Mystery Tradition I thought I’d share this diagram: Notice that unlike the many spurious attributions out there, I do not include the chakra system as equivalent to the tree of life. The chakras are part of […]

The senseworldcafe subreddit

In order to try and make a place for discussion of these posts and topics and in order to avoid running a forum or allowing comments on the site itself we’ve created a subreddit devoted to just those things. Come by have a visit and make your voice heard. We take suggestions and criticism well, […]